By Tarzana Joe
Speak, O Muse, inform me of this idea that’s been floated
Of our financial future—light as lead—but platinum coated
A scheme to swell the debt promoted by the best and brightest
That to the average citizen makes no sense in the slightest
Sisters of invention, boon to artists, wise and fair
Tell us how they’ll make a trillion bucks out of thin air
And how to wipe out savings from both coasts clear to Des Moines
Simply by the minting of a single platinum coin
Come, O Muse, sing clearly, leaving nothing veiled or hinted
Of how they plan to have our cash not worth the paper printed
And when their plan is criticized tell how they have defensed it
By snarky smugly smirking that there’s not a law against it
They’ll make of our finances but a pile of debris
‘Till we’re all without a paddle drifting on the wine-dark sea
Oh gods of might and glory on Olympus still reclining
Spare us from the future that these dolts have been designing
Grant to us a budget where frugality is favored
A noble legislature where some common sense is savored
Tell Muse, of wiser men who thought the idea was a crock
A trillion dollar coin would make our state a laughing stock
That such a circumvention is the crudest of devices
That surely will precipitate a dire, deeper crisis
Then worldly wise Obama roused himself and raised his head
“A trillion dollar coin? Sounds good to me!” he said.
Tarzana Joe, the poet laureate of the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, can be heard on air in the 3rd hour of the broadcast on most Fridays. His wonderful poetry can be found at
Please see his new site $ Trillion Dollar
Reprint with permission by Tarzana Joe, who can be contacted to pen the perfect poem for any occasion at …see the linked form.